Issue 605 – Verse of the Week

July 27th – August 2nd, 2023


Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?   John 14:1-2

Heart Trouble

New polling from Gallup reveals that Americans’ belief in God and heaven is at the lowest point in 22 years. Nearly 3 in 10 do not believe in angels, the devil, or hell. The largest shift is a generational one, with young people rejecting traditional American and family values as well. In today’s verse, Jesus is comforting His disciples as He prepares them for His departure. But troubled hearts don’t reside in the disciples alone. People of any age and in any nation who lack a fundamental belief in God have “heart trouble.” Believing in God, in Jesus, and in a heavenly dwelling with God eternally, relieves the “congested“ heart and enables you to live in personal peace. Knowing the end of the story is the greatest source of comfort in a troubled world. Pray for those whose hearts have become hardened, that the Holy Spirit would soften them to receive the truth with repentance and a desire to truly know the Father, His Son, and their future. 

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